Photography Weblog

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Monday, December 4, 2006

Electronic Photographs

Probably your digital camera’s red light goes on each time you press its picture-taking button, because you have not yet had time to transfer, the numerous photographs you have taken during your last trip, from its limited memory disk to your computer’s hard drive. But, if your plans come true, you will find some time this weekend to organize your pictures clutter. The happy news is that this might be much easier than you have ever imagined. The challenging part is in finding the adequate free time to spend in front of your computer’s screen in order to create your much needed electronic photo album and share it with everyone.

Digital technology has overwhelmingly been the most pervasive technology in recent years. With devices that offer multiple features and software that recommends vastly different applications, today’s technology savvies or amateurs find it much easier than ever before to create their own masterpieces by simply pressing some easy-to-control buttons. Well, if you are a beginner, it is time for you to surpass your fear of being a technology failure and begin exploring the incredible new ways digital photography can be manipulated under your fingertips. As for you, the more knowledgeable technology users, or even professionals, you are probably the ones requiring the least convincing. Willing to experience technological innovations before they are even released to the vast public, you are excited to be the pioneers of the high-tech industry and probably need no introduction to what digital photography is or how software applications can be applied. Maybe your third personal photographic exhibition is already ready and published online. However, the majority of this article’s readers, who have not yet had a chance to experience the thrills of advanced digital photography, starting from some basic stuff, like creating an online photo album, might be much more appropriate.

Every digital camera sold today comes with an installation CD-Rom and a connection cable that can be attached to the camera and then through a USB port to your computer in order to transfer the digitally stored photographs you have taken. So, it is best if you begin by inserting these special CD-Rom to your computer’s CD-Rom drive and then following the online directions that will appear. Press “I Accept,” “Open,” Yes,” or “Save,” every time you are requested by the software program to respond and in less than ten minutes you will be ready to begin transferring your photographs and then exploring the ways in which the digital camera’s software program you have just installed can help you enhance, change or just play around with them. Begin by first selecting the “Transfer” and “Save” options when you attach the camera’s special cable to your computer and browse through your files to find the exact folder in which you wish to save your pictures. After the saving process is complete, you can open your choice of software program and begin to explore its functions with your newly saved pictures set. Whenever you change something you wish to keep, save the new version of your original photograph under a different name, in order to have the original always intact. This strategy minimizes the risk of altering and saving a picture under the automatically given name–usually this is a number given to the picture during the transfer process. If such a thing happens you will not be later allowed to go back to the original; especially if you close and reopen the program or if you delete it from your camera’s memory to free up some space. For easy retrieval, you can then alter each photograph’s name, or save them in folders under different categories. Opening the picture is as easy as double-clicking the photo-image and then copying and pasting it to create your own presentations and photo albums.


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